Soft Matter Physics
Courses in Universities
2013-2014 Biophysics of Membranes
Niels Bohr Institute, KU
2012-2013 Biophysics of Membranes
Niels Bohr Institute, KU
2003-2004 Biophysics
Applied Physics, USC
2002-2003 Biophysics
Applied Physics, USC
2000-2001 Laboratory of Thermodynamics
Condensed Mater Physics, USC
1996-1997 Laboratory of Thermodynamics
Condensed Mater Physics, USC
The "Open Physics Project"
The main objective is to develop a full set of courses to cover the studies of physics at the Master level. The project follows the strategy of education at distance "web-based". This is a long- lasting project based on the idea of free education.
Teaching Statements
My teaching philosophy is driven by the main objectives I would like to achieve. At the end, the students should gain some key skills and build the fundamentals for the background in the course topic they choose as future scientists. Therefore, the followings are my key objectives:
· Foster critical thinking and creativity (key aspects in science)
· Students should be able to function efficiently with independence
· Promote independent thinking, ability to solve problems and strengthen leadership skills
· Independent learning (life-long learning skills) and go deeper in the key topics
· Develop cooperative working skills.
Open Links
European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
National University of Education at Distance (UNED)
MOOC list (Massive Open Online Courses)
Teaching Interests
Soft Condensed Matter Physics
Colloidal Science
Polymer Physics
Physical Chemistry
Research Methodology
Ethics and Good scientific practices
Vancouver Protocol (minimum requirement for authorship)
European code of conduct for Research Integrity
Pieter J. D. Drenth, "Research Integrity: A Vital Condition for Science & Scholarship" Cadmus (2012)
"Charting a Course for a Successful Research Career", Alan M. Johnson (2012) Elsevier
Former Students
Jorin Diemer
Research Project, Niels Bohr Institute
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
(Bidirectional propagation of action potentials)
Currently at: Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Marius Tving Stauning
Bachelor Thesis, Niels Bohr Institute
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
(Collision of action potentials)
Currently at: Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, KU, Denmark
Jacob Hamfeldt Kold
Bachelor Thesis, Niels Bohr Institute
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
(Collisions between nerve signals)
Currently at: ?
Kadla Røskva Rosholm
Master Thesis, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
(Research Project in F-catansomes, Fluoro amphiphiles)
Currently: Nanoscience Center, KU, Denmark
Clotilde Ribaut
Stage Master 2, Université Paul Sabatier/CNRS, France
Attachée d’enseignement et de recherche (ATER) à l’IUT (Institut Universitaire de Technologie)
mesure physique de Toulouse.
Elena Blanco Castineiras
Master Thesis,University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Group Member
University of Edimburgh, UK
Juan José Galan Diaz
Master thesis, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Assistant Professor
E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos
Campus de Elviña s/n
15071 A Coruña
Tfno.: +34 981167000 ext. 5432
Fax: +34 981167101
Jorge Nimo
Master Thesis,University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Working at Hidrolab SL Alvacete, Spain